Some ircds send numeric 005 as part of the welcome message on connect. It contains a list of tags that identify options the server supports, and is intended to help scripters and client coders. I've seen more ircds sending this recently, and with some client support appearing, I figured it was time to post a list. This isn't a complete list, and doesn't go into details yet. I'll add more to it when I have time. It does contain all tags that I'm presently aware of, except for three: NOQUIT (has nothing to do with clients); SAFELIST (doesn't mean much anymore); and HCN (no documentation). If you want me to dig up details, feel free to ask, but keep in mind I'm not familiar with all of these myself, so I may not know :) CHANMODES=a,b,c,d Categorizes channel mode characters: a - modes that take a parameter, and add/remove the parameter to/from a list (such as 'b') b - modes that take a parameter when set and unset (such as 'k') c - modes that take a parameter only when set (such as 'l') d - modes that do not take parameters (such as 'imnpst') Example: CHANMODES=beI,k,l,cimnpRst [ introduced by mIRC 5.9, not currently supported on any networks ] --- CHANTYPES=x Indicates the prefixes of the supported channel types. Prefix Channel type # global, supports modes + global, modeless & local, supports modes Example: CHANTYPES=#& --- CPRIVMSG Indicates support for the CPRIVMSG command. Example: CPRIVMSG --- CNOTICE Indicates support for the CNOTICE command. Example: CNOTICE --- IRCX Indicates support for the IRCX extensions. Example: IRCX --- KICKLEN=n Indicates the maximum number of characters a KICK reason may use. Example: KICKLEN=160 --- KNOCK Indicates support for the KNOCK command. Example: KNOCK --- MAP Indicates support for the MAP command. Example: MAP --- MAXBANS=n Indicates the maximum number of bans that may be active in a channel at any given time. Example: MAXBANS=60 --- MAXCHANNELS=n Indicates the maximum number of channels a client may be a member of at any given time. Example: MAXCHANNELS=10 --- MAXTARGETS=n Indicates the maximum number of comma-separated targets a single message may have. Example: MAXTARGETS=4 --- MODES=n Indicates the maximum number of mode characters that may be specified in a single command. Example: MODES=6 --- NICKLEN=n Indicates the maximum number of characters a nickname may use. Example: NICKLEN=30 --- PREFIX=x PREFIX=(x)x Indicates the available character prefixes for channel modes, and optionally the mode characters that correspond with them. Prefix Mode Description @ o channel operator % h channel half-operator + v channel voice Example: PREFIX=@%+ Example: PREFIX=(ohv)@%+ Suggested assumption: modes are ordered right to left as highest rank to lowest. --- SILENCE=n Indicates the maximum number of masks that may be active in a SILENCE list at any given time. Example: SILENCE=5 --- TOPICLEN=n Indicates the maximum number of characters a channel topic may use. Example: TOPICLEN=160 --- USERIP Indicates support for the USERIP command. Example: USERIP --- VCHANS Indicates support for virtual channels. Example: VCHANS --- WALLCHOPS Indicates support of the @ target, for sending the message to all channel operators. Example: WALLCHOPS --- WATCH=n Indicates the maximum number of nicknames that may be in a watch list at any given time. Example: WATCH=128 --- WHOX Indicates support for WHO filtering extensions. Example: WHOX